A DIGITISED GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK SUPPORTS A DECENTRALISED AUTONOMOUS ORGANISATION (DAO) (2024-04-10) By Terrance M. Booysen (CGF Research Institute: CEO) Traditional governance reporting With the age of digitalisation firmly entrenched -- and a global economy on the cusp of the Fifth Industrial Revolution -- forward-thinking organisations worldwide have embraced the notion of equipping their workforce for greater meaning and purpose. Considering how organisations have the technological means to streamline their business processes, which often has negative implications upon mundane and/or highly repetitive job functions, these organisations understand the importance of a more ‘human-centered’ approach to conducting their business which is fundamental to their future and sustainability. Given the focus on human empowerment -- being one of the 6-capitals cited by the King Report IV™ for Corporate Governance -- the importance of collective governance assessments made by a much broader stakeholder group of the organisation could not be more important. April 10, 2024 Board of Directors, General, Governance Framework, Stakeholders governance, reporting, blockchain, decentralised, board, stakeholders Read More >>
USING THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK® IN TIMES OF GREAT UNCERTAINTY (2021-11-17) By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA) Whilst most corporations across the world have had to make drastic changes to their business operations as a result of the Covid19 pandemic, many business leaders believe that the disruptions caused by the pandemic have inadvertently introduced more advantages than disadvantages. However, are the odds actually stacked against the organisation? November 17, 2021 Board of Directors, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Risk Corporate Governance Framework®, board of directors, assessment tool, risk, governance, fraud, crime Read More >>
DIRECTORS’ SENTIMENT INDEX™ REPORT: 5TH EDITION – CGF’S OBSERVATIONS FROM A GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE (2020-11-12) By Glen Talbot (CA)SA and Terrance Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA) A review of the Institute of Directors in South Africa (‘IoDSA’)’s recently released report for 2020 raises some interesting observations from a governance perspective. It should be noted that the study was concluded prior to the nation-wide lockdown and national state of disaster due to the Corona virus (‘Covid-19’) pandemic. It is likely that the sentiments expressed by respondents may have been significantly more pessimistic had the study been concluded in the second half of 2020. November 12, 2020 Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework governance, Corporate Governance Framework®, governance framework, iodsa, Institute of Directors in South Africa, IOD’s Directors’ Sentiments Index Read More >>
INVIGORATING THE INTERNAL AUDIT PROFESSION THROUGH ROBUST GOVERNANCE AND CONTROLS (2020-08-18) By Jené Palmer CA(SA) (CGF Lead Independent Consultant) and peer reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen The recent public censure and financial penalties imposed by the JSE Limited on Tongaat Hulett Ltd and EOH Ltd for non-compliance with the JSE Listing Requirements, again brings the effectiveness of the internal audit profession (and indeed external audit) into question. Is internal audit adding value? The question is relevant to both the public and private sector where examples of financial misstatement and the circumvention of internal procurement policies and procedures are increasingly being uncovered. In these circumstances, questions need to be asked about the future role and stakeholder expectations of internal audit. August 18, 2020 Audit Committee, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Internal Audit, Risk internal audit, governance, audit committee, Corporate Governance Framework®, GRC, Chief Audit Executive, CAE Read More >>